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Welcome to

Blueberry Bay Farm


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Picking NOW



Contact us



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Closed for the Season.

Check here to see what we are
picking now.

We accept cash and personal checks.

We do not accept credit or debit cards.  We have an ATM.

We appreciate your understanding!


**About our Honor System**
(spring and fall only)

1. You come to the farm to pick;

2. You obtain and bucket with bag from the cabinet on the farmstand deck;

3. You go to the fields to pick;

4. You return to the cabinet on the deck, weigh each item SEPARATELY (a scale is provided inside the cabinet),

5. You fill out a sales slip listing each item and its weight separately;

6. You deposit the sales slip with your name, phone no. and/or e-mail address through a letter drop just above the cabinet;

7. You return home with the freshest possible produce;

8. We contact you later with the charges incurred.

Don’t worry - If you can't remember all this, complete instructions and prices are posted above the cabinet.


Please check back here for updates, or if you would like to be notified by e-mail when we open, please send us your name and e-mail address -

Blueberry Bay Farm is a New Hampshire Farm of Distinction

Change the last line to read:  All our crops are CHEMICAL-FREE (no spray residue whatsoever)!

ã 2023 Ronald B. Laurence